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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-01-17 16:19:24 Views : 32066 Natas Kaupas Successfully complete classic mode under the sick difficulty setting. Peds Group F Get a 100% completion in story mode. Peds Group G Get a 100% completion in classic mode. Peds Group H Clear all the gaps on all fifteen levels. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 Tony Hawk Successfully complete classic mode under the normal difficulty setting. Peds Group A Successfully complete story mode under the easy difficulty setting. Peds Group C Successfully complete story mode under the sick difficulty setting. Graffiti Tagger Successfully complete the Berlin level in story mode. Paulie Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting. Skatopia Level: Rope Ride Grab on to what looks like a jet pack and it will take you on a very fast rope ride. Matador Successfully complete the Barcelona level in story mode. Jester Successfully complete the New Orleans level in story mode. Jesse James Successfully complete classic mode under the sick difficulty setting. Walk around the first level (not the training level) and you will find someone by a building who wants a drink. He will tell you to go downstairs to a bar next to him. When you get down there, Jesse James will talk to you. Peds Group B Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting. Ben Franklin Successfully complete the Boston level in story mode. Call Of Duty Soldier Successfully complete story mode under the sick difficulty setting. Peds Group D Successfully complete classic mode under the normal difficulty setting. World Destruction Tour Movie Successfully complete story mode. The Hand Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting. Shrimp Vendor Successfully complete the Australia level in story mode. Steve-o Successfully complete classic mode under the normal difficulty setting. After you complete all the goals for the first level or get the correct amount of points, you will see an FMV sequence where Bam will eliminate Burnquest from Tony's team. Afterwards when you get to Spain, Steve-O will send you a text message saying that he wants to be on your team. You can now play as him. He rides a mechanical bull. Triangle Level Successfully complete classic mode. Cheats Movie Clear all the gaps on all fifteen levels. Neversoft Skates Movie Get a 100% completion in classic mode. Peds Group E Successfully complete classic mode under the sick difficulty setting. Pro Bails 2 Movie Get a 100% completion in story mode. Nigel Successfully complete story mode under the sick difficulty setting. Pro Skater Level Successfully complete story mode. Skatopia: Easy Bomb Box Mission The easiest way to complete the Bomb Box mission in Skatopia is to Flip Trick onto one of the lower boxes and Caveman the rest in that row. Just jump from box to box after getting off your board, but make sure to do one row at a time. R/v Halfpipe To unlock the R/V halfpipe and that mission for your character, play as Jesse James and jump over three cars. Shrek Successfully complete story mode under the easy difficulty setting. Ryan Sheckler Successfully complete the Skatopia level in story mode. Phil Margera Successfully complete story mode under the easy difficulty setting. Zoo Level: Unlock Aquarium Jump on the house near the elephant then hop on the elephant's back. He will get mad and crush the aquarium door. Pro Bails 1 Movie Successfully complete classic mode. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tony Hawk's Underground 2 cheat codes.
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